
* indicates that the workshop lasts multiple days

Sep 23*

Literacy for Leaders

personCynthia Barber, Northwest Early Education Consultant

location_onWilkes County Schools Administrative Offices - Stone Center (613 Cherry Street, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659)

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Additional Dates: 09/30/24


This 2 day session is designed to take the place of the cohort of Lexia LETRS for Admins.

This foundational series is recommended as a first step for school and district leaders to deepen understanding of the five components of reading; build an understanding of what evidence-based literacy practice should “look like” in the classroom; practice utilizing self-reflection tools connected to each of the five components in order to build the collective capacity of staff.




$50 without membership

$0 with membership

Renewal Credit:

1.2 Admin CEU

Target Audience:

School and District Leaders

All Fields Required

Oct 02

7th Grade Science Standards and Content

personGina Berrier, NC School for Math and Science

location_onWork Force Solutions Center, CVCC (1980 Startown Road Hickory, NC 28602)

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Please bring a laptop, tablet, or similar device charged and ready for use. Do you need an interpreter?

Join us to analyze various methods of teaching forces and motion, energy and weather! Gather some quick and easy activities for your classroom. What works and what doesn't? What are the limitations and the benefits of various models? High tech and low tech options will be utilized. A wide variety of resources will be provided as well.




$50 without membership

$0 with membership

Renewal Credit:

0.6 Content CEU

Target Audience:

7th Grade Science Teachers

All Fields Required

Oct 02

School Law Updates- Threat Assessments – New Procedural...

personChris Campbell, Attorney from Campbell Shatley Attorneys at Law

location_onVirtual Session through Zoom

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Please bring a laptop, tablet, or similar device charged and ready for use. Do you need an interpreter?

The N.C. Center for Safer Schools has issued guidance required by statute for compliance with new laws on conducting student threat assessments. Mr. Campbell will review the law, the new regulations, and practical tips for compliance. The session will explore the implications of the new regulations for students covered by IDEA and Section 504.




$25 without membership

$0 with membership

Renewal Credit:

.25 Admin CEU

Target Audience:

Counselors, teachers, administrators

All Fields Required

Oct 03

8th Grade Science Standards and Content

personGina Berrier, NC School for Math and Science

location_onWork Force Solutions Center, CVCC (1980 Startown Road Hickory, NC 28602)

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Please bring a laptop, tablet, or similar device charged and ready for use. Do you need an interpreter?

Join us to analyze various methods of teaching matter and the hydrosphere and gather some quick and easy activities for your classroom. What works and what doesn't? What are the limitations and the benefits of various models? High tech and low tech options will be utilized. A wide variety of resources will be provided as well.




$0 without membership

$0 with membership

Renewal Credit:

0.6 Content Credit

Target Audience:

8th Grade Science Teachers

All Fields Required

Oct 17

Crucial Influence

personFred Whalen and Rae Thompson

location_onCatawba County School BT Resource Room (2285 North Anderson Avenue, Newton, NC 28658)

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**Districts will need to pay $156 for book/NWRESA will pay the $100 balance of book** Do you need an interpreter?

Crucial influence, a continuation of Crucial Conversations, uses years of social science research to teach the Six Sources of Influence model. This course reveals the personal, social, and structural sources that shape behavior and teaches a method for using these sources to influence the employees around you and to get results.

**Districts will need to pay $156 for book/NWRESA will pay the $100 balance of book**

If this session fills up, we may be able to offer it again in February, but districts would be responsible for the entire cost of the book.




$50 without membership

$0 with membership

Renewal Credit:

1.0 General

Target Audience:

Counselors, teachers, administrators

All Fields Required

Oct 21

Instructional Strategies That Are Worth Your Time and the...

personRegina Probst, Retired Instructional Coach

location_onWilkes County Schools Administrative Offices - Learning Lab (613 Cherry Street, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659)

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Please bring a laptop, tablet, or similar device charged and ready for use. Do you need an interpreter?

Join us for a day of learning about instructional strategies that will put your students to work and make them do the heavy thinking. Every minute in your classroom is valuable and you don’t want to waste it. Come learn how to use the most effective strategies that will produce a high yield in student learning




$50 without membership

$0 with membership

Renewal Credit:

0.6 CEU General

Target Audience:

Grades 6-12 Teachers

All Fields Required

Oct 29

Canva for Classroom Teachers

personAlyssa Miller and Heather Fulbright

location_onCatawba County Schools BT Resource Room (2285 North Anderson Avenue, Newton, NC 28658)

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Please bring a laptop, tablet, or similar device charged and ready for use. Do you need an interpreter?

Attention educators!! Unleash your creativity with Canva for Education - free and packed with potential! Craft stunning visuals, interactive presentations, and engaging activities in minutes. No design skills? No problem! With user friendly features and AI-powered Magic Design, you'll create professional content effortlessly. Transform text into visuals, generate ideas, and even animate with AI. From creating activities to dynamic videos, Canva's got you covered. Ready to revolutionize your teaching? Let's dive in and make learning unforgettable!




$50 without membership

$0 with membership

Renewal Credit:

0.6 CEU General

Target Audience:


All Fields Required

Oct 30

Resilient Classrooms

personMatt Gruemeyer, NC PEAK Education Consultant

location_onWilkes County Schools Boardroom

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About the Instructor:

The lead presenter is Matt Gruebmeyer, who has a background in Student Services, school administration and classroom teaching. Matt has served as an educational liaison for students with challenges such as Juvenile Justice, Homelessness and Therapeutic Foster Care.


Please bring a laptop, tablet, or similar device charged and ready for use. Do you need an interpreter?

This is a toolkit session focused on equipping classroom teachers with strategies for engaging all learners, including the students who need us the most. The session is designed to equip classroom teachers with a variety of approaches to meet the diverse needs of students.




$50 without membership

$0 with membership

Renewal Credit:

0.6 CEU General

Target Audience:

Counselors, teachers, administrators

All Fields Required

Nov 05

The Armenia Genocide of 1915

personDr. Jim Brooks

location_onWilkesboro United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall

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About the Instructor:

Dr. Jim Brooks studied this summer at the Genocide Memorial Museum in Yeravan, Armenia through a fellowship with the Genocide Education Project. He teaches AP English at West Wilkes High School.


Please bring a laptop, tablet, or similar device charged and ready for use. Do you need an interpreter?

Participants will learn about genocide, genocide denial, and the lasting effects of genocide through examing the Armenia Genocide of 1915, a little known and studied historical event that preceded the Jesish Holocaust, in which 1.5 million Armenian men, woman, and children perished. The workshop will provide a context for genocide study in history and ELA curricula. Practical resources will be shared with participants to use to teach the Armenian Genocide, satisfying the recent Gizella Abramson Holocaust Education Act of 2021 which calls for Holocaust/genocide education to be integrated into history and English courses. Part of the day will be spent reviewing resources and designing lessons with other participants.




$50 without membership

$0 with membership

Renewal Credit:

0.6 Content CEU

Target Audience:

High School History and ELA teachers

All Fields Required

Nov 18

Monitoring Instruction

personDrs. Jill Reinhardt & Melanie Taylor, NC PEAK Education


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Please bring a laptop, tablet, or similar device charged and ready for use. Do you need an interpreter?

With models for instructional rounds, walkthroughs and other means of monitoring instruction available, how does a district select the best option that is both do-able and has a high return on the investment of time? This session examines several models of instructional monitoring as well as strategies for meaningful feedback. The afternoon session is dedicated to modeling what we learn. By partnering with a local school, we will conduct an instructional round and participate in the debrief session.




$50 without membership

$0 with membership

Renewal Credit:

0.6 CEU General

Target Audience:

Counselors, teachers, and administrators

All Fields Required

Jan 22

Building the School Schedule

personDrs. Alicia Tate, Jill Reinhardt and Jan King, NC PEAK Education

location_onWilkes County Schools Administrative Offices - Boardroom (613 Cherry Street, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659)

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This session will discuss the administrator’s role in building a school schedule that is inclusive, flexible and considers factors such as Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). After a morning of theoretical considerations around school scheduling, the afternoon will be spent in level-alike groups to dive into scheduling scenarios specific to elementary, middle and high schools.




$50 without membership

$0 with membership

Renewal Credit:

0.6 CEU General/Admin

Target Audience:


All Fields Required

Jan 29

Emerging Law Issues

personChris Campbell, Attorney from Campbell Shatley Attorneys at Law

location_onVirtual Session through Zoom

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The one constant is change! Mr. Campbell will address key legislative changes and emerging liability issues in public schools for the 24-25 school year and beyond. Stay tuned for an update on specific topics.




$25 without membership

$0 with membership

Renewal Credit:

.25 Admin CEU

Target Audience:

Counselors, teachers, administrators

All Fields Required

Jan 31

Harmony in Literacy and Music: How You Already Implement the...

personErin Ellington, NW Teacher of the Year, ASU Adjunct Music Professor, Former WCS Music Teacher

location_onASU Hickory Campus

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Please bring a laptop, tablet, or similar device charged and ready for use. Do you need an interpreter?

This professional development will examine theoretical and practical applications for the Science of Reading that already exist in the music classroom and how to extend your instruction to identify a common language for pedagogy and advocacy. Participants will explore LETRS and the Literacy Instruction Standards while engaging in practical activities to take back to the classroom. Participants should bring a charged device and a piece of music/activity they will use in their classroom during the school year.




$50 without membership

$0 with membership

Renewal Credit:

0.5 Content Credit

Target Audience:


All Fields Required

Mar 04

Creating a Restorative School Culture

personDonna Heavner, STEM West Program Director, Former MS Principal

location_onWork Force Solutions Center, CVCC (1980 Startown Road Hickory, NC 28602)

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Please bring a laptop, tablet, or similar device charged and ready for use. Do you need an interpreter?

During Creating A Restorative School Culture, school leaders will explore the practices and principles of restorative justice, how they can be effectively integrated into K-12 educational environments, and why restorative justice practices are important for supportive school culture. You will learn how to address behaviors and conflicts through restorative justice circles, peer mediation, conflict resolution, and behavior mediation. A restorative school culture uses inclusive, collaborative processes that emphasize healing, relationships, and accountability. Workshop participants will learn the knowledge and skills needed to transform the schools in which they work into communities where every student feels valued, respected, supported, and belonging.




$50 without membership

$0 with membership

Renewal Credit:

.6 CEU General Credit

Target Audience:

School Leaders

All Fields Required

Mar 25

AI in the Math Classroom

personDonna Heavner, STEM West Program Director, Former MS Principal

location_onWork Force Solutions Center, CVCC (1980 Startown Road Hickory, NC 28602)

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Please bring a laptop, tablet, or similar device charged and ready for use. Do you need an interpreter?

AI In The Math Classroom is designed for math teachers ready to use the power of artificial intelligence (AI) in the math classroom. This day-long training will provide you with the knowledge and practical skills needed to integrate AI tools and techniques into your math curriculum. AI can enhance student engagement, personalize learning, and increase mathematical understanding. A laptop is needed for this training. We will use AI to create math lesson plans and use a rubric to critique the lesson plans created. You will leave with many new tools for your instructional toolbox.




$50 without membership

$0 with membership

Renewal Credit:

.6 CEU General Credit

Target Audience:

Math Teachers

All Fields Required

Apr 10

Parents Bill of Rights Update

personChris Campbell, Attorney from Campbell Shatley Attorneys at Law

location_onVirtual Session through Zoom

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Please bring a laptop, tablet, or similar device charged and ready for use. Do you need an interpreter?

Mr. Campbell will address basic annual requirements from the Parents’ Bill of Rights (“PBR”) and explore the impact of the law on the daily administration of public schools in North Carolina. The session will also include an update on the interplay of the PBR and Title IX.




$25 without membership

$0 with membership

Renewal Credit:

.25 Admin CEU

Target Audience:

Counselors, teachers, administrators

All Fields Required